Barcamp Liverpool 2011

I went to Bar Camp Liverpool on Friday 18th November, and for a couple of hours on Saturday morning 19th November. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, a Bar Camp is an un-conference – that is, a conference without a pre-set schedule. The talks are given by the people who turn up. They add the name of their talk to a post-it and stick it in a free space on the schedule on the wall.

How To Podcast For Free

I was determined to get to this Bar Camp having missed the first one back in 2008(?). I was also determined to do a talk, so (hastily) prepared How To Podcast For Free. The number attending the event where low on Friday and there were only three people in for my talk. I did the same talk on Saturday morning and had a lot more there, which was encouraging.

I was asked by a number of people if I could make the slide available, so here they are. Just click on the image below to download it. I’ve added a few extra lines just so the slides without words actually make sense.


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1 Response to Barcamp Liverpool 2011

  1. good idea im gonna try it

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