

I’ve been building websites since 1997, back in the days of dial-up modems, dial-in bulletin boards, and coding websites by hand.

If you’re really interested/curious/bored you can check out my very first website courtesy of the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. (Make sure the sound is turned on!)

I now run my own websites on my own domains, and have built and run websites for other organisations. Click on the links below to see each site’s portfolio page.

Need a website? Get in touch!

As you can see from this page I’m an experienced builder of websites, particularly those based on WordPress. If you’d like a website for yourself or your organisation, get in touch for a quote.

My sites

Liverpool Acoustic (WordPress)
The central resource for the Liverpool and Greater Merseyside acoustic music scene. Includes the Liverpool Acoustic Spotlight podcast.

Liverpool Acoustic View Two Songwriting Challenge  (WordPress)
Annual Liverpool songwriting competition, with a twist.

Graham Holland (WordPress)
You’re looking at it now! This is my personal website showcasing my different areas of work. Also host to my very occasional blog. And there’s a story behind it involving tractors!

It’s A Frog’s Life (WordPress)
My first domain, now a basic portal for of my personal websites and podcasts.

It’s A Frog’s Life Acoustic Podcast (WordPress)
The shownotes for the It’s A Frog’s Life Acoustic Podcast, running since 2006.

The Good Book of Peter Henry (Dreamweaver, html)
Online version of the campfire songbook The Good Book of Peter Henry

Other sites

Liverpool South Scout District (WordPress)

City of Manchester Opera (WordPress)
Manchester’s leading amateur opera company


It’s A Frog’s Life in Taiwan (Dreamweaver, basic self-built html)
Observations from my year living in Taiwan 2004/5

Operation Icicle (Dreamweaver, html)
Operation Icicle was a winter survival camp run at Camp Freeland Leslie in Oxford, Wisconsin. OI was dropped by Three Fires Council in 2001, and is still sadly missed.

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